Welcome to an Experiment

The Marion Signal grew out of frustration with local journalism’s failure to write articles focused on providing information people need. That’s not to say the stories being told weren’t important, but rather those articles took precedent over less dramatic, but much more impactful reporting.

A Different Vision

The Marion Signal first and foremost will focus on trying to answer questions people have. Moreover, we’ll try to tell the story, but not say how you should think about it. Readers make up their own minds. Restoring citizenry’s faith in reporting quality means empowering consumers to draw conclusions making sense to them in the context of their lives.

Histrionics Free Zone

“If it bleeds, it leads,” is common phrase in the media world competing for eyeballs amongst an ever louder cacophony of outlets. That is not the adage here.

Give Us A Try

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Marion and Iowa News


BA in History, MBA, Project Manager, and writer.